This post was last updated on January 1st, 2025 at 06:41 am
Hi dev,
Today, i show you Laravel 10 Telescope Install Example. This article will give you simple Laravel 10 Telescope Install Example. you will Laravel 10 Telescope Install Example. In this article, we will implement a Laravel 10 Telescope Install Example.
Laravel Telescope, a powerful debugging tool for Laravel apps, was designed by the Laravel team. The ability to see within an application during development makes it easier for developers to troubleshoot and optimise their code. Using Telescope’s web interface, developers may keep tabs on a number of aspects of their application in real time, including requests, queries, jobs, exceptions, and logs. Additionally, it makes it possible to create original monitoring tools that can be used for every programme component.
So, let’s follow few steps to create example of Laravel 10 Telescope Install Example.
Install Laravel Telescope Package
Install telescope for with following command:
composer require laravel/telescope
you can also install for specific environment:
composer require laravel/telescope --dev
Install Telescope
install telescope by using following command that will create migration files and configuration file.
php artisan telescope:install
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
What features provide by telescope?
Requests Commands Schedule Jobs Batches Cache Dumps Events Exceptions Gates Logs Mail Models Notifications Queries Redis Views
I hope it will assist you…