This post was last updated on February 14th, 2021 at 04:18 pm
phpMyAdmin could be a fashionable web-based administration tool for administer MySQL servers and informations.This article we are learn to the create a brand new database and a new user to access that database on a MySQL Server with phpMyAdmin.
How to create a database using PHPMyAdmin in Localhost step by step.
Step-1) First of all launch local web server, probably XAMPP or run the Aapachi or Mysql.
Step-2) When you check xampp running succssfully.
Step-3) After that Open your web browser, navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Step-4) Then click on on Databases tab. In the subsequent page, you’ll get choice to Create a Database and enter field for Database name. I create a demo database to show you. Fill database name. After that click on on Create button.
Step-5) After a few seconds a popup success message will be displayed.
Step-6) Then you can view your database from list of tables. you have many databases please find the your database name in the table.
Then database is showing in table your database successfully create in your phpmyadmin server.