CodeIgniter 4 PHP version 7.3 or newer is required, with the *intl* extension and *mbstring* extension installed. The earlier version requires a minimum PHP 5.3 version or higher.
In this article, I show how you install the Codeigniter 4 project
- Enable extensions
- Manual Install
- Using composer
- Run
Step 1:- Enable extensions
Open php.ini file to enable intl and mbstring extension.
Search extension in the file.
extension=intl.dll extension=mbstring.dll
Remove semicolon (;) if exists to enable the extension.
Restart xampp server.
Step 2:- Manual Install
- Download CodeIgniter 4 zip file from here.
- Copy in the htdocs/ folder and extract it.
- Rename the folder (e.g. codeigniter4).
Step 3:- Using composer
Run the following command
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter project-root
Step 4:- Run
Run the project public/ folder.